Complementary flavors

Exhibited as part of Kuvan Kevät MFA Degree Show, 12.5.–6.6.2021

Colour burns the retina, or sometimes it causes salivation to accelerate. What pleasure one can get from a colour spreading evenly on a surface. For a moment, it is stretchy and shiny until the water evaporates, causing the material to become stiff and matte. Its essence changes under my fingers.

​As the rolls and miscellaneous items accumulate in the studio like a mass-produced assemblage, it is sometimes difficult to remember that I am the one who makes. Objects organize themselves, intertwine, and invite into a choreography yet unknown to me. Sometimes I would like to try to subtract myself from the equation, as it feels like a lot is happening without me, by itself. How would objects spread into a space that is entirely for them? What objects would there be?